Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wander 005 - Dutcher Creek (Cloverdale, CA)

February 23-25, 2013

It was time to get out, so we decided to hit wine country.  We found Dutcher Creek RV park online and it looked like a nice quiet place.

We were right... it was quiet and beautiful and perfect (except for the fact that campfires are not allowed).   

The view from the front window:

On Saturday we went for a drive.  We saw this sign and decided to stop and check it out...

Look!  The Don Clausen Fish Hatchery!

Then we stumbled on Lake Sonoma...

How delightful  :)  Don't be the first one to drown and ruin the sign!

Wine tasting time...

We visited a few more wineries, but the camera battery was dead.

One cute inside the trailer cuddle shot:

Until next time!